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Cow Fence Supplies
Fencing in cows offers a wide range of products and specifications. We we put together our most frequently ordered items to help you with the construction of your fence.
-The number of wires varies between 1-5. One wire can be used for trained cattle but for younger or stockier herds you may need up to 5. You will likely need more wires and a stronger energizer if you are fencing in bulls or keeping other predators out.
-Spacing of the wire(s) is important. Be careful not to shock behind the eyes and typically causes the animal to move forward instead of backward.
-Keep posts 50 - 100' apart
We recommend either the M10 (plug in) or S10 (solar) chargers. Both options give 0.5 miles of typical fence. Should you need to contain a larger area please consult the Energizer chart to help you determine which energizer is right for you.